
Showing posts from May, 2018

Dear New Parents

Dearest soon to be parents, I have good news.  There is a secret to parenting that the most successful among us never, ever share, because then we would also be succesful and no one wants that, except for us of course. Tell your children they are beautiful.  Breath takingly, heart stoppingly beautiful.  Tell them everyday.  Sometimes twice.  If they are being good. If they are ugly, or plain, or fat, or walk funny, or speak funny, tell them loudly.  With gusto.  Sometimes, cry while telling them. Tell them SO MANY TIMES that even when the entire world is calling them horse face and ass breath, their is a small voice inside their head (it's your voice) saying "darling your hair is the whisper of summer, and your face is the freshest, clearest lake, and your eyes are the stars themselves, sparkling down on the earth, on the blackest of all nights."  They will hear that voice and the mean, ugly words won't hurt quite as much. Tell your children they are brillian